Integrating Anger And Reactivity

Q: John, I find I can get really quite angry in social interactions where I feel unfairly treated. It happened recently that I wanted to speak with someone who refused because I was getting angrier. There’s a point at which I close off. I’m wondering whether there’s something I’m missing, or if it’s okay to get angry with others sometimes?

John: For you to be angry in a situation like that exposes that you lack depth in your reasonableness. You’re well acquainted with and value reasonableness, but if you’re pushed to a certain point, you give it up. There’s a limit to your reasonableness.

Q: Do you have another word for reasonableness?

John: Heartfully rational. You’ll be heartfully rational until you’re pushed too far, but being pushed too far is a line you’ve created in your self and beyond that line you don’t go deeper. In that, you give importance to your self that doesn’t belong to your self. That importance puts how you see your self out of balance and enables you to be provoked.

Q: So next time I’m in a situation like this, what helps me to get over this line?

John: Be profoundly honest the moment you feel the first twinges of reaction. The reaction begins with a micro-tightening and hardening in your heart. If you don’t catch it there, it’s going to grow. It’s going to develop until your whole self moves into distortion and the distortion shows you what you’re being in the self.

The reaction is a misplacement of importance, attributing importance to your self when that importance all belongs to what you know. If you give that importance to your self, then in a situation like the one you described, you’ll be right instead of open, right instead of responsive, and that rightness has no deep meaning. The rightness is all about how you see your self, so it’s a self-oriented rightness.

If you’re really open to meaning, it doesn’t matter how right you are about something. When you become reactive like that, you’re wrong.

Q: Wrong because I’m closing?

John: Yes. If you have to close and harden your heart for you to achieve something, even for you to achieve something that you perceive is right, you’ve abandoned a depth of meaning in you to achieve a superficial level of meaning.

If you become angry, be open to see how you have misplaced meaning. You can, for example, see the humour of that in your self instead of being caught in the reaction of it. You can take the situation that you’ve described, and you can put it on television. A situation like that would work very well in a sitcom. As soon as you’re angry, depth of meaning is dropped. 

Initially, as you’re developing in your self and your person, anger invites you to integrate your experience of your power, and what it is for you to be in balance with the use of your power.

If you become stuck at a line that’s in your self, solidifying that line each time it’s provoked, you won’t be learning from your own anger. But as long as you’re slowly learning in some way, it’s all fine.

Q: I often catch it too late and wish I’d done it differently, but I realize that I do know when this is building up and the learning opportunity that is here.

John: Yes, catch it before it even has a chance to heat up in your self. When it has come to the heating point, you’ve already deluded your self. You’ve given undue attention to something you know doesn’t matter very much.

Q: Yes, I can see now that the moment I think I’m right is also the moment I’m deluding myself.

John: If negative emotion comes into relationship with you being right about something, that’s an ego. You’ve lost perspective. That means you’re giving your power to something that doesn’t matter, a level of self-importance that has no real value. All of the energy and power that makes the ego belongs to what you honestly know in your heart.

When you’re angry, there’s a fire out of control in you regardless of the rightness of your position as you see it. As soon as you see that, you need to pull the fire alarm. When you pull the fire alarm, everything that’s taking place in you ends, and everyone in you has to leave the building. When the fire’s gone, then everyone in you can come back into the building.

When you come back in, you’ll have perspective.


Teaching Children How To Handle Power

Q: I think my young son is testing boundaries, and he sometimes quite intentionally does things we’ve asked him not to do. He seems to want our reaction or response.

John: He wants to play with power, so you need to play back to him with your power.

Q: How do I do that?

John: By being in your power and really moving it, while carefully reading your child. If you use too much, you’re going to overwhelm him. If you use too little, you mistakenly empower him. He is trying to sort out his power by throwing it at you. Use the same degree of power and keep it playful and light. If you make it serious, you’ll confuse him. If your power turns into a negative emotion, you’re no longer safe for him.

Your child trusts you, so let him have really wholesome tastes of your power. He’ll learn, in testing your power, that your power is safe. It’s much stronger than his, but as strong as it is, it’s safe.

Q: I’m clear about that. I have reacted, sometimes, and I’ve seen what it does inside both of us if I’m not really clear and coming from my heart. There seems to be a closing because I’m not being safe. There’s a lot of creativity and discernment needed in that kind of play.

John: It’s all creativity, with you remaining in your heart.

Q: There seems to be a place for straightness, too.

John: The straightness comes from your relaxed clarity, so if you’re only projecting straightness but not being it, the child reads two different things and it’s confusing. You’re being straight on the surface, but inside you’re not clear. He then has to sort out what it all means. For him, throwing power at the situation is the easiest way of sorting it all out.

Q: Really seeing him and letting him see me.

John: If your child can see you while you’re using your power, you’re safe, and your power is safe for him. He learns how to use power while being safe. When my children were little and I would use my power, they would go wide-eyed … and then they’d smile.

Q: I’m trying to imagine what that would look like, in my case. Is it gently pushing them to a boundary?

John: Not, not gently. It depends on the level of power they’re throwing.

Q: Is that like finding a cutting-edge for them, inviting them to explore in that way?

John: It’s carefully reading them in the power that they’re throwing at you and giving back precisely what they want, because while you do that, they really do experience your power. It can be a strong experience for them, but because they’re being seen, they know the safety and they really like it.

Q: So what is he wanting when we’ve clearly told him “no”, and he looks right back at us and deliberately does it?

John: A wrestle!

Q: I see. This is so good to hear because it runs counter to my mothering patterns. It invites me out of trying to control the situation. I have to step out of my own comfort zone.

John: If your child grows up that way, then later, if someone throws power at them within the severity of life, they really understand and are not threatened. They can see all the way through into what is really there in that person. Then, for your child, someone else’s use of power isn’t intimidating.


This Golden Life: An Immeasurable Opportunity

Q: I know that this body will be gone, and everything will be gone with it. Life is just like experience, because it comes and it goes. It brings nothing.

John: It comes with an immeasurable opportunity, and that is for you and what you first are. It offers pure awareness the possibility of evolving with great, great speed, because in every little way that pure awareness moves into manifestation, it has accurate and immediate, full reflection. 

Q: But when there will be full reflection, it will be nothing, because…

John: It’s not nothing.

Q: It’s just there will be no one to experience, so it will be as prior to the body.

John: It’s not at all the same because within existence pure awareness is in constant maximum realization. It’s realizing what it is through its own reflections in manifestation.

Q: But this realization is a form of what I am not.

John: What you are not yet, until you realize. As soon as you realize, you – pure awareness – know more.

Q: Is this realization like a switch that stays on, or is it something to be constantly remembered?

John: When awareness evolves, it doesn’t remember. It realizes what it has never known.

Q: Is there an end point to it, or is it just like realizing eternity?

John: There is a point to it. Every way that awareness evolves within this physical reality it needs for what is next. If you’re looking at it from a linear perspective, then you could look at it as a lifetime offering pure awareness the amount of evolution that would normally take tens of thousands of years.

It’s not a “nothing”. The value of this life is golden. For what pure awareness is, it’s golden.

Q: Sometimes it feels like some objects are moving, sometimes it goes and like everything stops. It’s moving but it stops, like complete stillness.

John: The full stop in this life, for awareness, is when your body dies. Then that opportunity is over, and you are in what is next. Whichever way you evolved or not, is what is in the next. This life is not something to not be in. The meaning of pure awareness being in this life is almost immeasurable, it’s so great.

If you could see it for what it really is, your response to the opportunity, your response as pure awareness in recognizing meaning and value would be similar to a mother holding her newborn baby. As soon as she has her baby, she holds it and she meets with what is there, meaning and value she has not known before come into her, and she loves. 

That gives a little idea of what it is like for pure awareness to come into the opportunity of physical life.



Magically Taken By Knowledge: Being Your Soul In The Midst Of Life

Q: I want you to show me how to give top priority to my heart, to be in it to the fullest extent. I’ve had enough of the ignorance.

John: For you to be that far gone into your heart, start with what is even deeper. The language of what you’re speaking of is a lot deeper than your heart. In your life, within all of the spaces that you’re in, in all of your time, in the midst of everything that is going to pass away, in whichever way you can, quietly lean into what you are after you’ve died. 

As you live in that kind of leaning into what has nothing to do with yourself or your life, you begin to come into that resonance in you that directly has to do with that. It’s like exercising a muscle that hasn’t been used. As you stay with it and stay with it, you start to realize.

It’s your conscious leaning into what doesn’t relate to your life that exercises it, even if it would seem that you’re not getting anywhere. The “not getting anywhere” is from the perspective of your self. It’s your inclination to even have such a leaning that is it. What that means is you already know. You don’t even need to know what it is; you know that it is.

It’s like you being your soul in the midst of your life, even though you don’t know what that is. What you do know in that is a resonance and a reach. They are worth more than your life, more than anything you do. It’s worth more than what you are being in what you do. The resonance is finer. That resonance moves your being.

It’s a little like looking in the night way out into the stars. You begin to lose the concept of what you’re looking at and you find that you are just looking in and in, and there is more and more in you that knows, that knows something, and a part of you that goes so far in, so far out, that it never comes back. 

As you live, that part of you isn’t coming back into your life. That part of you is so gone into what’s more. It’s that part that doesn’t come back that shifts your footing in your life; that in anything that you’re doing, you are really in something else that isn’t about what you are doing. 

The resonance of that goes into everything you do, and just by virtue of living, that resonance becomes thicker and thicker. It keeps taking more of you. The only connection that has to your life is that that resonance touches intimately right into your humanness. It makes you so tender within, so available. It makes you so there

This other substance that is taking you, as you live, more and more begins to fill the interior of your face. A different sense perception starts to open and you find that that which is awakening into your face and in your eyes is actively connecting into everything. It touches into everything. Everything touches into that in you. Your reason for living is that. Lean into what you know I’m speaking to in you.

Let all of that ground into the mystery of your sexuality, a depth of knowledge where you have no understanding. It’s that knowledge that you let magically take you. That will bring up subtly in you a depth of womanness that is intrinsic to your being having your self.